September 30, 2009

A father unhinged
A page full of one sentence
A late-night catch phrase

A boy on a trike
travels down hallways and meets
identical twins.

A Stovington teach
agrees to run a hotel
for the winter months.


September 29, 2009

A high school fall dance
The best Halloween costume
A shower curtain

A kid from Jersey
meets an old maintenance man
makes him wax his car.

A rival sensei
has no mercy for the weak.
Sweep the leg, Johnny.

September 28, 2009

I think I ended last week with a couple of tough ones, so let's start light and recognizable. Welcome to Week 2 of my journey.

A simple farm boy
receives a message of hope
from a short robot.

A group of rebels
seeks to destroy a laser
shaped like a planet.


September 27, 2009

Week One Comes to an End

It's the end of the first week, and I thank everyone who has taken part in haiku guessing, the beginning of a long poetic friendship. Here's one that I wrote yesterday. We'll start back with easier ones come tomorrow. Enjoy.

Mine caterpillars
Super Sonic Maniacs
The Japanese flee


September 26, 2009

We've hit the weekend, so we're going to get even tougher. Good luck.

World War I men
make it home safe but are torn
between one woman.

Three friends go running
across a French overpass
in this New Wave film.


September 25, 2009

This is something I will do every now and then if I think it's particularly tough. Here are two haikus for the same film to give you a little more information. Good luck guessing.

A devoted wife
seeks the arms of other men
to please her husband.

A crippled husband
buries his wife at sea and
hears bells from heaven.


September 24, 2009

Yesterday's haiku was a softball, so let's step it up. Here's one's that not as obvious. Enjoy.

The Ampipe Bulldogs
A golf club wielding ball coach
A DB's last shot


September 23, 2009

Outside a schoolhouse,
a junglegym is engulfed
with a swarm of birds.


September 22, 2009

Premiere Haiku

This first haiku is a favorite of mine, and one of the few that I have memorized. Let the journey begin.

A troubled young boy
is institutionalized
in late October.

Hint: 1970s


Inaugural Post: Mission Statement

In the Summer of 2007, I began on a project combining my love of film with that of the haiku with the simple goal of writing several haikus for every movie I saw no matter how obscure, foreign, or otherwise. Not knowing exactly what I wanted to do with them at the time, I began writing. Since that time I have written over 2,000 haikus for nearly 350 films. However, I have realized that I didn't start out  this project so much for me but for film lovers all over. That's where this blog comes in. Each day I will publish a new haiku sans title for you, the reader, to guess. I'll stick to the crossword puzzle publishing rule of increasing the difficulty of the film as the week progresses. Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays will consist of mainly mainstream films that I feel most movie watchers have seen; Thursdays and Fridays will focus more on independent fare and older films; and Saturday and Sunday I will reserve for foreign films and the really independent. I hope you enjoy and forward the blog on to anyone who loves a good film or a "good" haiku (I use that second "good" very loosely). Feel free to post in the comments your guesses, comments, questions, or even films to check out.